Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My life without you is.....empty......

Close ur eyes & imagine life with me......
nOw imAgine LifE wiThOut me,cOuld u dO iT?

I cOuldn'T ImaGinE LifE wIthOut yOu......
wIthOut yOu I'd bE empty.....

My hEaRt,mY heart -Empty.....!!

Right aFter a light rain,have yOu eVer seeN.......A rAinBoW that ToUchEd the sKy?

wHerE It meeTs nExt tO a pOt Of a gold...!!

Like a fuLL mOOn it hAngs nExt tO the hEavEnLy cLOuDs......
fRom wHich yOu cOme,yOu aRe mY sHininG sTaR.........!!

EvEn the sUn mEaNs nOtHiNg tO mE...!!
It hAs nO sEnSe If yOu're nOt hEre.....
I hAvE tO See you aGain tO wAkE uP...
I tHink I wOn't bE abLe tO sUrvIvE lOngEr.....!!

WHy cOuLdn't I bE hApPy wItHoUt yOu ?
I've gOt mY fRiEnDs, mY fAmiLy & my feeLinGs......
ThEy aLso seEm tO bE gOnE oNce & fOr aLL.........

ThE wOrLd iS eMpTy whEn I miss yOu...!!

wIthOuT yOu iT wOuLd bE a LifeleSs LifE tHaT I wOuLd LiVe......

I can't imagine myself without you.....!!


Padmarpita said...

Hi......i think in this some feelings of your inner heart is missing!!

Yohanth said...

Hi....iam Yohanth, nice feelings continue!

Unknown said...

Hai, nice one,please select contrast colours for a better readability

Krishna said...

very touching