Friday, August 21, 2009

Hoping u to b my side

Since you've been gone...
Every morning when I get out of bed, I look into the mirror
hoping to find my smile.
But as usual, no smile. I look and I look, but it's nowhere to be found.
I keep my eyes peeled wherever I go, but still no luck.
When I try to think just where it might be...
I can't help but wonder...
if maybe you know where I left my smile, b'cause the last time I saw it, I was with you.....


Padmarpita said...

Hey...don't be too senti!!!!

Sail: said...

OMG!!! too touchy! My eyes just watered on the pearls..!! you are such a splendid writer dear.. you'll touch many hearts for sure.. Keep moving

Sri[dharAni]tha said...

Really Touching Words that even made my eyes roll in tears. It is easy to say "Missing Someone" but it is really painful feeling to really miss the person.
I can visualize the pain blended in the letters of the poetry Ramyasree Gaaru. Keep Going..